The Center for Disease Control and other health authorities recommend annual or semi annual screening for various STDs. These recommendations do not just include individuals involved in “high” risk activities. Regular, everyday people get STDs.
Everyone’s sexual habits are different. Your testing frequency should reflect your frequency in partners. This does not mean you have to get tested every time you have sex, but if you have a few partners per year then testing a few times a year may not be a bad idea.
For Everyone
If you are entering a new relationship, you and your partner should get tested before you have sex.
If you and your partner have already had sex, even if you have been having sex for a long time, it is still not too late to get checked for STDs.
Do not assume that because you are monogamous, that your partner is. If you suspect your partner has other partners, talk to them about it, get tested, and use protection until you are sure.
Remember the window period. It may take weeks or even months for an infection to show on your partner’s lab results.
just because your partner tested negative does not mean that you do not have an STD.
Don’t assume since you have already had sex it is too late, you or your partner could have an STD, but have not transmitted to the other yet.
Just because and STD is curable, does not mean it cannot cause serious health complications if not tested for and treated early enough.
Do not assume that your doctor/gynecologist tested you for STDs. If they did not talk to you about it they probably did not test you.
For newly single or recently divorced
Getting back in the game can take some adjusting. The rules may have changed since the last time you were single. Testing regularly and expecting your partner to do the same is the sexually responsible thing to do.
Even if a person seems healthy, or does not have any physical symptoms in the genital region, they can still give you an STD.
When you find out your partner has been unfaithful, you have a lot of questions about the relationship in general. How long has this been going on? Has this happened in the past? You might consider testing your partner, yourself, or both. If you and your partner have recently had sex, with in the last couple weeks to months, it is possible for a recent infection not to show on the results. However, this does not necessarily mean you have to wait to get tested. Although it can take some time for an infection to show on the test results, people that have recently been cheated on usually choose to get some testing now. Getting tested right away is a good way to get some quick answers, even if you have to take follow up testing later. We also offer advanced technologies for early detection of STDs. If you plan to continue your relationship with your partner do not assume because you have tested negative that your partner is also negative. In this case, testing your partner instead of yourself may be a better option.
Whether you are a first time cheater, or this more of a regular occurrence, there are some decisions that you need to make quickly. What do you tell your partner when they want to have sex? If you don’t have symptoms, can you safely have sex with your partner? What if you have already had sex with your partner? The way you go about testing depends on whether you plan on telling your partner. We are not here to make cheating easier, nor are we here to judge you.
While we can’t answer all these questions for you we can offer some direction as to how you can protect your partner from a potential STD. If this exposure has been recent, we offer advanced technologies for early detection of STDs.
Some important things to consider…
It is good if you have not noticed symptoms, but that does not mean you do not have an STD.
You can give your partner an STD, even when you do not have symptoms.
Using a condom cannot completely eliminate the possibility of contracting an STD or giving an STD to your partner.
Don’t forget the window period; standard tests do not necessarily detect recent exposure to some STDs.
Call 1-866-927-5264
to discuss testing arrangements and find the nearest location. We can make sure you are not testing too early or taking tests that you may not need.
Get tested. Have specimen collected confidentially as soon as the same day you call.
3. Get ResultsTalk to a real person and get test results as early as the next morning. We can answer your questions and provide an official lab report.
Know before you go. Our prices are up front, reasonable and most often much less than our competition. Check out how our STD testing prices compare with the competition.