Advanced technology for the earliest detection.
Traditional methods for detecting HIV (HIV antibody test) and other STDs may require a waiting time of as long as 3 months. Early detection of HIV by advanced HIV PCR technology can greatly reduce the time you have to wait for reliable test results. This means you no longer have wait 3 months to know your HIV status. We also provide testing for early detection of STDs like chlamydia, N. gonorrhea and even genital herpes.
HIV is a virus that has caused quite a stir around the world in the last few decades. This virus affects the human body in harsh ways, reducing a person’s immune system capabilities severely and preventing the body from defending against other illnesses. Over time, HIV can lead to AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), which leads to very extreme damage to the body’s immune system. HIV exposure can occur several different ways, such as sharing a needle with an infected person, sexual transmission, or even being transmitted to a child while the mother is pregnant. Testing for HIV after any possible exposure is extremely crucial.
Testing for HIV has a recommended waiting period because the body may not have had enough time for the antibodies to develop enough to be recognized by the test. If testing is done within 3 months, the results may not be accurate, so it is important that you test after the correct time frame for the selected testing method.
**There are multiple HIV testing methods available, each using a unique way to test blood for the virus. Adequate consideration for each method is critical because one must consider the testing method as well as the wait period and detection time. Common testing methods include antibody testing, RNA, and PCR tests. Each of these has specific requirements to determine the results. Of the given test options, DNA PCR testing is considered the most reliable and best option for several reasons, with one of the key reasons being early detection.
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