Obama urges HIV testing

On the fourteenth National HIV Testing Day President Obama issued a statement supporting annual testing and safe-sex practices.

Obama informed everyone that one in five Americans living with HIV do not know they are infected, and that those people are the ones who transmit HIV the most. However, Obama also noted that once people become aware of their status they take the steps to reduce transmitting HIV to their partners.

While Obama admitted that direct impacts of HIV are not widespread, seeing as how higher rates exist within gay/bisexual men, African Americans, and Latinos – he acknowledged that if a citizen is infected with HIV every nine-and-a-half minutes it affects all Americans.

Using these statistics Obama pledged to implement a comprehensive National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) to provide better care for those already living with HIV and prevent future transmission in others. However, the government cannot be held responsible for all these practices. Obama urged all Americans to practice safe-sex, regularly get tested, and help eliminate the stigma attached to living with HIV. If the government and the people work together we can decrease the rates of HIV and increase our care towards one another.