What are the chances that a male can catch HIV from a female who gave him a manual release (hand job)?
None. Well, OK, if we conjure up the worst case scenario and employ a vivid imagination, maybe the chances are close to none instead of actually none. Let’s say, for argument sake, that the male has serious STD problems resulting in open sores on the penis or in the urethra (for example, he may have a very active genital herpes infection). Let’s also say, again, for argument sake, that the woman is HIV positive, has a high viral count and is in the middle of her monthly menstrual cycle. She then uses the blood to lubricate the man during the hand job, forcing the blood into the penile lesions. Another possibility would be if the HIV positive woman had just acquired a wound on her hand, and thus the wound would be bleeding while she performed on the male. Even then it wouldn’t be easy, most likely because if her hand was bleeding, she probably wouldn’t be performing a hand job on the male. None or next to none. You be the judge.