Tag Archives: urine drug tests
More About the Types of Drug Tests We Offer
Q: I have decided to expand my home business and hire a couple of employees. I’m concerned about drug screening. I don’t want to hire anyone who has a drug problem. However, I’m not sure if I can afford to have my potential employees screened for drugs. Can you assist me with screening prospective employees […]
Urine Drug Tests and Hair Follicle Drug Tests
Q: My insurance company has advised me to have my employees screened for drugs. They said that it will help lower my insurance rates and I can always use the money saved. I am thinking about using your company for the testing. Please tell me more about the types of drug testing you offer. W. […]
Which Drugs are Detected by Urine Drug Tests?
Q: I own a small business and have been told that my insurance rates will decrease if I drug test my employees. I’d like to use urine drug tests, but I want to make sure the results will be sufficient. Can you explain which drugs are detected by this type of testing? A: Urine drug […]