Question: Hi, I think I’ve found the love of my life and I want to do everything I can to make this a good healthy relationship. What should I do?
Answer: If you are in love, it’s safe to assume that you also care about this person’s health. Before taking the next step in your relationship, or even starting a sexual relationship, you should take the precautionary steps to protect you and your partner’s sexual health.
HIV and STD testing is an easy and responsible way to start a relationship. Free testing can often be found through government sponsored agencies, such as a health department, but in a lot of cases the process takes a long time and is not as private as people would prefer. Fast and private lab testing can be found, but it does involve a cost. Cost of the testing and the service you receive will vary greatly depending on which company you choose, so be sure to shop around before you choose an organization.
Regardless of which method you choose, STD testing is important for both you and your loved one’s health. If you are in love and you care about the person, an easy way to show it is by getting tested so you can protect eachother’s health.