First of all, you don’t have to have sex to get an STD or HIV. Some STDs can be transmitted simply through skin to skin exposure, like herpes or syphilis. You can get HIV other ways, also. For example, a needle-stick or blood transfusion can cause transmission of the virus. You should also consider there is not a screening test for every STD. For example, there is not a screening test for HPV (genital warts). If you have symptoms, you can get a biopsy, but in the absence of symptoms, there is no way to know if you have been exposed and, therefore, are able to transmit this to another partner. Of course, testing is an important part of preserving your sexual health, but in some cases, there is no way to completely rule out any possibility of an STD. In this case, taking precautions, such as using protection, being in a long-term, monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner, having a good general knowledge about STDs, and limiting your sexual partners can further reduce the risk of contracting an STDs. Generally speaking, if you can completely rule out the possibility of you and your partner having HIV or any other STD, and there are no other outside risk factors, then you have nothing to worry about. You cannot get HIV or any STD from a person that does not have one.