Q: I am a 43-year old man, and I have recently started a new relationship. My partner informed me that she was diagnosed with Chlamydia about two weeks before our first sexual encounter. She says that her doctor gave her medication to take care of the STD, so I shouldn’t be worried. However, I am worried. Two weeks is such a small time frame to be diagnosed with an STD and complete treatment. Should I seek a chlamydia test just to make sure she didn’t pass the STD to me, even though she had already been treated?
R. Sampson
Austin, TX
A: More than likely everything is fine, but you might consider testing just to be safe. Generally speaking Chlamydia can be easily treated with antibiotics, and two weeks is enough time for the treatment to run its course. However, it is also recommended that after receiving treatment you should seek a test-of-cure to make sure that the treatment worked.
Did your partner do this? If not, it is a good idea to get tested. If she did test again and received negative results you do not need to screen. We offer fast and private testing at local collection sites if you do need to test. Simply call our office to make arrangements and we can have you in a collection site as early as the same day you call.